This database is supposed to be for Carbide Create


My apologies, as I believe this has been asked but do not see an answer I understand very well.

I want to take this file. (5.2 KB)

Which I believe to be in the correct format for Carbide Create by the title and import it into CC7 with minimal work on my part. I want very much not to have to manually enter data as I am notorious for misspelling or missing a comma or something like along those lines.

Ideally it could be a separate library all together.

I find no way to import external library or CSV file into CC7.

Open up the .zip archive:

Launch Carbide Create and choose About:


click “Open Data Directory”:

go into the Carbide Create directory:

go into the Tools directory:

Drag the .csv file into this folder:

quit and relaunch Carbide Create:


The file does not show unless you select all machines, but it is there.

Is there a way to move it to the Shapeoko machine?

I figured out how to move it.

Thank you!

Please share this knowledge.


I had to rename the file to IDC+Shapeoko+IDC-Woodcraft-Carbide-Create-Database-4-16-2023.csv Then it showed up in the Shapeoko menu


Thank you. It works.
That file name format was not intuitive :slight_smile:

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All I did was to open the tool database.

Then select “ALL” to find the IDC database file, highlight it and click "Duplicate. This box pops up.

You can chose right where you want it.

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By modifying the file name it will be associated with the Shapeoko machine.


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Looking at the last screen shop I show, I’d think leaving the Material and Machine at “Any” this may make it available to all. Not positive but I think it may work that way.


Being a ‘mature’ adult (old guy) the less clutter there is the easier it is to navigate. Thus I find it beneficial to narrow down my selection. Since I only have a Shapeoko 3XL I find associating the table of bits to just my machine helpful.

Just my two cents worth.




I too am an “Old Guy”.
I was just offering my “five cents” due to inflation. :innocent:

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Same here. I too am “Old Guy” certified.

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