I have seen several youtube videos of people using linear rails to build a slabbing jigs for flattening boards. I have a traditional one made with wood and using Infinity mega dado bit.
Has any one on the forum built one using linear rails. I was looking at Amazon 20 mm rails as a source. Any suggestions on other sources.
Woodhaven has a similar one for about the same price. I think I can do better with price by building it myself. After all I have a Shapeoko to cut my mounting plate. The linear rails are not too expensive but I want one that is 2500MM long. The 2020 and 2040 looks promising and the cost is lower than the linear rails. Still studying. I am a cheapskate at heart and a ready made one is easy but I am way to cheap to spend $1100 for the Woodpeckers and even $600.00 for the Woodhaven and/or the Framing Tech models. It always takes me some time to spend money. I am not an impulse buyer and that is a good thing in my opinion.