Tool Menu Change Request?

Maybe it’s just me (I’m still a little new at this), but is there a way to do something with the tool description dialog box to make it more customized or more descriptive of the tools. For instance, I have several different 1/8" vee bits in various angles. When I go to the dropdown box, all I get is the tool # and the diameter of the tool and the description that it is a Vee mill. See below:

The only way I can see the full description that I entered when creating a new tool is to go to the edit screen, scroll down to the tool number, and highlight it. See below:

It would be nice if one could create his/her own description that would appear on the dropdown when selecting a tool that was in the library. For instance, if the description would read “1/8 vee Engrave” as I have listed it, I would instantly know that this was my 30 degree engrave bit rather than another 60 degree or 90 degree vee carve bit. Another example would be to have the ability to describe, say, a 1/4 in Endmill as either an upcut or downcut.

Like I said, I may be missing something, but if not, this feature would be a nice improvement to CC.

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When I add a V endmill, I make the angle a part of the number, so my 1/8" V endmills are #345, #360, and #390.


Thanks, Will. That would work for the vee mills but not if we wanted to differentiate between, say, an upcut or downcut 1/4" endmill. For now, I’m just keeping a separate hand written chart so that I can keep track. It sure would be nice if the software just allowed us to enter our own description rather than pulling it from the fields currently being used.

the beta version seems to be going there (see other thread here)

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I think that you have a valid request. You also have the bits with different coatings, the 1, 2 and 3 flute, upcut, downcut, ball, tapered, etc. Showing a description field would go a long way to address this. Carbide’s numbering system is already messed up with inconsistencies; the 101 Ball and 102 flat and 201 flat and 202 ball for example.

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