the letters are all jagged. Is there an easier way, like a program, that I can run it through that will smooth the lines? Or do I need to go an adjust each and every node? (If I’m even able)
TIA as always!
There are several options online if you look for ‘Bitmap to Vector Image Converter’. If you have access to Illustrator or a similar program they usually have the option to do this as well.
Try downloading the free Inkscape. Open the image in Inkscape and highlight the image. Then go to Path menu and trace bitmap. There are controls on the side you can increase intensity and others. Then apply and Save As SVG. The Inkscape SVG works but is 72 DPI and the Plain SVG saves at 96 DPI which is the native mode in CC.
Sorry, just saw your comment up there. I agree with CrookedWoodTex. I manually trace mine most of the time. Especially when you are creating layered images for multiple pieces of wood or acrylic. But it is an acquired skill for sure.
Sometimes it is easier to find the font you need and use that instead of any extensive work trying to “fix” a problem created in transfers and imports of graphic images.