I just upgraded to the Z-Plus on my Shapeoko 3 XXL, but I am having some tilt, cutting to deep on the left. I have tried losing the traming screws and pushing the router to tilt it right, and I tried shimming the router, but its a tight fit on the Makita with the ring, that I can’t seem to shim enough. Are there any tips anyone has? Appreciate any help.
Low on the left does mean either raise left or lower right. Loosen the bolt on eccentric just enough to get wrench on eccentric nut and move nut. When you get it where you want to try it hold wrench and tighten allen bolt.
When you say left to right I’m guessing x axis tramming, but then you mention shims which are used for y axis tramming. When I upgraded to the z-plus and I went to tram it, I actually had to drill one of the mount holes out just a tad. I have a spindle tram tool and it was telling me I was like 0.025 off to one side and the wiggle room with the factory hole was about 0.015 - 0.017 max. I was able to get me spindle to within 0.001 in both directions.
For what it’s worth, I used metallic vent tape with an adhesive backing. I removed the ring placed tape on it and trimmed as necessary, slide it on the router(used a screwdriver to gently spread it open a tad) and then worked it on the Z. After all was said and done I’m at near perfect as one can get.
Beer can is also a good source of cheap shim material, although care should be taken when selecting the order of empty beer can and tram your CNC machine
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