Need help. can someone please give me step by step instruction on the tramming of an xxl machine with the z-plus. Thanks far any information I can get.
This old video covers the principles:
It’s with the old Z axis, but as far as tramming is concerned, same difference.
I had excellent results by putting a digital level on the gantry, zero’ing it, then put the level on top of the spindle mount and adjust until it reads level.
You can then put the level back on the gantry but rotate it 90’ and repeat.
Works a treat.
I personally love the results from the mini pro tram tool. Yeah it’s $100 but super worth it in my opinion. I got to .001 over the 6 inch span that it trams. When I surfaced a cutting board I was making it gave me planer quality results.
I have a Wixey digital level that shows absolete and relative level. Dummy me never thought about using it to tram router. I need to take Z off and lube hdz with Mobil Vactra #2 and will remove router before removing Z. Will try digital level on reassembly.
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