Trim Vector Tiling issues

I am trying to contour cut an oversized part using the tiling method. I have created the “boxes” for each half of the part and have been able to break the part into 2 pieces/ cut files. However, where the piece is separated, there is a cut line that I need to delete. I can’t seem to find a way to trim this line out. Does anyone know how to tile oversized contour cuts?


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You need to break the vector so it is 2 open vectors.

You can use Node Edit, and insert a node at the break line, then Cut Vector at that node


Actually, it looks like you can just use Cut Vector and it will insert the node for you.

I like to use Trim. Create a rectangle with one edge along your split line and trim the middle sections of the vector you want to split.

Then edit node to move the end points back to where you want them.
If your split your vector right on grid lines, the move node will snap to the grid point.
Sadly, it won’t snap to a node :frowning:

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