Trying to do 3-D

I recently finished a wall plaque of a Hobbit House. 3D or as close as I could come. A lot of vectors, mostly closed and a lot of Advanced VCarve. And of course a bit of disguising the screw-ups.

Next major project is to carve a full grown moose based on a picture taken from a friend’s driveway. Plan is for it to be in relief, perhaps as much as 3/4" deep. Figured that if I could understand how to do the palm tree shown in one of the videos that I could proceed from there, but the video simply showed the result and not the “How To”.

Can’t afford Aspire so how do I proceed?


I believe the image to Gcode process uses grey scale to interpret depth.
So I would look at the image in grey scale to get a sense for what the carve depth might look like.

You can use a “paint” program to alter/enhance the grey scale characteristics
You could also remove parts of the image you do not want.

The bigger the image (number of pixels) the better. A single pixel represents some unit of measure on the resulting gcode output.
Texting an image will hurt the image file, transfer as a file from the camera.

If you choose to license Carbide Create Pro we have some videos on it at:

and I wrote up a bit at:

Thanks. Think I’ve got a serious homework assignment. Fortunately I’ve got the Pro version.

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