Turning Nomad 3 sindel off for Drag Bit

Hello , I looking for some help to turn the spindle off when using a drag bit on a NOMAD 3 , i just recieved it in today, Im sure there is a away but i have know clue , any help would be awesome
thank you

Write out G-code and edit the file to disable the spindle speed setting?

This is where im lost im not sure even how to do that , i have never messed with gcodes

Please check in with support@carbide3d.com and we’ll have someone familiar with a Nomad work through this with you.

What CAD/CAM software are you using? Send in a file you are having trouble with?

On my machine (HDM with 2.2kw spindle) if I program the RPM anywhere under 4000 (half the slowest speed), it won’t turn on the spindle. I generally use 1 RPM (CC won’t let you enter 0)
I can also turn off the Spindle enable button to be sure.

Otherwise, the post outputs a M3S1 (M3 Spindle on, S1 spindle speed). You can just remove this line from the Gcode.

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Hey everyone i was able to fix this issue , i have the latest CM installed not sure if that was but , when tooling and setting up my bit , where is says RPM i just put 0 and that was it . i would like to thank you all for the response’s


Were you trying to use a Texture Toolpath and CC wouldn’t let you set the RPM to zero?

Im using Ver 4 Aspire CAD and Carbide Motion CAM, i did get it fixed , by adding 0 speed on the RPM in tooling setup :slight_smile:


We all appreciate you posting the fix/result. Thank you.

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