Would it be possible to incorpoate two retract heights in CC, i.e. one between toolpaths and the other between cuts?
It seems to me there is a waste of time, when cutting pockets, for example, where the tool is retracted uneccesarily?
Would it be possible to incorpoate two retract heights in CC, i.e. one between toolpaths and the other between cuts?
It seems to me there is a waste of time, when cutting pockets, for example, where the tool is retracted uneccesarily?
An example of this kind of behavior is in Vectric’s software; a “clear the clamps” or “safe” height and a “retract” height. I keep mine at 0.8" and 0.1", but others have stated that their retract height is even closer to the part; saves time.
Carbide Create doesn’t have this feature as such.
You could edit the G-Code to add it, and to a degree, it does move up to the max height for certain operations though.
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Fusion 360 has a function not to raise the bit if it has no obstruction between one cut to another.
I am not positive here and may be misinterpreting the function.
Hi Eric,
I’m not too familiar with Fusion, to be honest, although when I had a look at it I couldn’t really get my head around the many functions, most of which I’ll never use for my simple needs!
I’ve started to look at VCarve Desktop again, now a Windows PC has become available to me!
this is something a simple post processor can fix though… it’s not all that complicated to build (I’ve built it as a piece of javascript to optimize after CC)… simple enough for @robgrz to add to Carbide Create if he so desires (I’ll be happy to point out the simple algorithm one can do for this)
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