Ultimate S5Pro upgrade

E2 oiler boxes on your linear blocks, Your maintenance is now once every???. 20$ per block for a total of just over 200$. (For off brand on amazon unsure what the hiwin ones are but they dont fit because C3D linear blocks have the oiler port slightly higher (can trim the hiwin ones to fit and increase contact area minorly.)


-Takes as long as one maintenance to install.
-Boxes are hot swappable press fit with an O ring on the fitting to prevent egress.


-monei (but if you bought that SMW vise/fixture plate I know you can justify these puppies)
-Unsure if the Y axis can support them without losing travel (have not checked but x and Z are good you just face them upwards on the Z axis and inwards on the x axis probably the same on Y)
-Have to modify the oiler box oil applicator so that it fits as well as drill new holes so the original Wiper can go in the middle of the sandwhich

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If these are facing inward on the x axis, how do you fill them?

What brand series and size linear blocks does the shapeoko use?

Maybe these could be an item sold on c3d website in the future ?

pop the box off fill it and pop it back on.
Shapeoko uses a Hiwin style block with some minor/major differences, the main of which for me is the wiper. Hiwin uses a very soft wiper that gets damaged way too easily whereas the C3D bearings are a bit heartier, harder but still very flexible. The rest is mostly internal and it all looks reasonably well done.

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