Vcarve desktop 11
shapeoko 3xxl with plus
Carbide motion
Started a 3D carve and was looking real good until an error can’t remember the correct error but was something like
GBRL unexpected letter in command line
Is there any way to check the gcode, I clicked ok and the router started up but machine did not move
Any help would be great as it’s a 3D carve of a carp foe my grandson in England for Christmas
and hopefully just resending the file will allow it to complete successfully.
You can test the file itself by going to the MDI, sending “$C” to put Grbl into Check mode, then sending the file (it will be processed, but the machine won’t move) — send $C again to get out of Check mode.
So I ran the file after $C and not problems so I’m thinking some kinda electrical spike was dropped on the coms cable like Will suggests, I have re-routed my cable away from the AC and I’m running live again to see it it happens again
Looks like time to get some ferrite rings I guess
Just re-started will let y’all know what happens
Love the input tho folks, never even knew about $C until now