Universal G-Code Platform Macro Keybinds?

Inspired by some Topics from the Forum, I’m trying to get an Elgato 5x3 Stream Deck to work as a viable Pendant solution in combination with Universal G-Code Platform - It’s all just Keybinding based, so no 2’500 Line coding, which works for me just fine but to get it fully working I also need Keybind access to my UGS-P Macros and here’s where I’m having troubles with.

As can be seen with this Screenshot, UGS-P apparently only lets me define one of the, so far, 6 Macros with a Keybind in the Keybind Editor itself BUT shows all of them when I export the Keybind list to an XML file.

Would anyone happen to know how all of the Macros can be accessed to have their Keybinds defined?
All of the Macros appear properly in the Macro Window and in the dropdown selections of things like the Joystick ( Gamepad ) settings menu - Just not in the Keybind Editor where I actually need them :’(

Thanks in advance! =)

I tried asking the same question to the UGC-P Google Forums but something ate my post and even I myself can’t find it anymore - P.o.S. sigh

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