I upgraded my Shapeoko 3 XXL with new proximity switches and the Z Plus upgrade, before i began i updated the Carbide Motion to V6. Upgrades went well but my question is now I’m trying to initialize the CNC but where i have the CNC there isn’t any internet. Do I need internet to change the CNC from the initial Shapeoko 3 with original Z drive to the Z plus. When I tried in my shop with no internet I had homing errors! Thanks for any help!
Dave K
You will need to reconfigure.
Our recommendation would be to download Carbide Motion on a computer which has internet:
copy that onto a USB thumb drive or other removable media, transfer that to the shop computer and run the install there, then reconfigure per:
I recently had to change computers and reinstall Carbide Motion , have the 3xxl with Homing and z-plus. Now after startup and homing it jogs to a bit setter position which I don’t have, using the touch probe. What I’m wondering is how do you bypass the bit setter movement and just remain in the homed position untill jogging to desired position?
This new motion forward is standard in newer versions.
To avoid it you would need to use an older version, Build 622 from:
Thanks Will. I kind of figured that out last night when I used an older computer to run the machine that had an older build that didn’t have that feature. Appreciate the quick response, just reinforces the fact that Carbide 3D’s customer service is one of the best. Thanks again Roland
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