Uses for Shapeoko 3 frame after expansion upgrade

Upgraded my Shapeoko 3 to an XXL. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on using the old Shapeoko 3 frame work, perhaps a laser? Thanks

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Some of the things folks have made w/ their old extrusions:

  • Delta 3D printer
  • screwdriver shaping jig
  • sharpening system

If you have the extrusions, and frame I would possibly be interested in buying if you wanted to get rid of it.

I am looking to downsize my XXL to a standard.

Clayton, you can have them. Is there a way you can pay for shipping? Do you need to knoe the weight?

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That would be amazing! Thank you!
Yea I can pay for shipping, I will send you a DM on here to talk about it.

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