I was watching some tutorials on the Vectric site and in one of the tutorials it talked about using a standard shaping router bit for the edge of the material. Is this something that is ok to do or not? I thought I read here that it was not advisable.
I use standard bits all the time. The key is, if they are large ones, you will need to slow the feed rate and take a smaller amount each pass. Other then that the router can handle it, it’s just the stepper motors are only so strong with the belt setup. I use large V-Bits, and a 1 1/4" surface bit often. Also Ball nose and straight bits for clearing / roughing. Just take smaller layers and you should be fine. The largest issue is if you push down too hard Z belt will skip and if moving too fast with the larger surface on the bit it could cause X or Y to skip.
As @rogwabbit noted, standard router bits are fine with suitable feeds and speeds — two additional concerns:
don’t use bits with bearings, there’s just no way to set up paths reliably enough to not have the bearing potentially interfere
be aware of whether or no the router bit can plunge / center cut — if it can’t you’ll need to ramp in at an angle / rate which the bit and the machine can handle, or possibly come in from the side — check the manufacturer’s guidelines
Thanks guys for the info. I was thinking mainly for the outside edge of a piece. Of course using a router table would be faster if I went that route. Sorry, I couldn’t resist that last one.