What is the procedure for using the bit setter on job with multiple bits.
Looks like after you load the new file and the bit setter does its thing.
You move the carriage to the X,Y, Z zero position and and set everything to Zero
Then start Job
When a tool change is required and the bit setter does its thing
You use the rapid function to move the carriage to the current X, Y position
Then use the rapid position to set Z + 6mm
Then move Z down 6 mm then set zero or use current location and continue running job
The probe approach has its pros and cons, it’s a matter of personal choice, it’s most useful when one needs to establish a very precise X/Y reference from a corner of the stock. For Z, the manual method works fine, but may take a little more time. For X/Y…eyeballing the zero is sometimes not good enough.
So for me a custom probe that addresses Z only will not be super useful.