I tried two similar designs recently with different toolpathing. Ganesha one is on teak and the lakshmi steps are on Maple.
The Ganesha is done using a first pass with a 1/4inch roughing and then rest machining with a smaller straight bit.
The Lakshmi steps i tried to do an advanced vCarve using a 1/8inch endmill for a pocketing pass and then a 30deg vbit for finshing. The pocketing went perfect but soon after the vbit started, i think 5-10minutes into it the malfunction happended with cutting all over the design ruining it.
Setting for vbit were 35feed, 12plunge, stepover of 0.008 and depth of 0.08. I thought these were quite conservative. Any suggestions on what went wrong? Looks like the bit got stuck somewhere and machine missed steps.