V carve letter quality

If you spin the bit by hand, and you see the point wobbling or wandering, it could 100% be the cause of your wonky V-carves. The tip of that removable insert should look like it’s stationary. IE if you jogged the bit til it touched the MDF and spun it, it would not trace a little circle, but pivot on a single point.


From this angle the tip of the blade does not look centered?

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looks like it was the bit the whole time! much cleaner cuts and corners. I will definitely be getting a solid vee bit now instead of interchangeable ones. Thank for all the help!


There is nothing wrong with replaceable cutter bits. However as others pointed out the inserts can be installed incorrectly and that makes the bit spin in a circle instead in a point. It is possible that the bit was manufactured incorrectly or more likely remove the insert and clean the mating surface and reinstall the insert making sure it is in the pocket that Amana machined for it to sit in. The advantage of a removeable insert is that the inserts are much less than the initial cash outlay.

If you are going to buy a new 60 degree vee try the groovee jenny. It is a 60 degree down cut vee bit and makes very good cuts even in pine.

Just be sure to insert your allen/torque wrench all the way to the bottom of the screw head when tightening to avoid wallowing out the screw head. Some have allen key heads and some have Torx heads.

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