V2 bitsetter help

When I go to do the probe for the bitsetter, all it does is move about 1/2 inch to the left and stops. I have it set to probe all sides, X, Y and Z. Anyone?

Trying to finish a gift for Christmas and I’m under a time crunch :cry:

This sounds more like the BitZero v2 than the BitSetter… confusing names, I agree :slight_smile:

The V2 requires that you put the probe/endmill inside the BitZero’s ring/cylinder before probing. If it’s moving 1/2 an inch to the left, it probably isn’t inside the ring or the BitZero would have moved.

Edit to add picture from docs:

Make sure it looks like this before hitting the probe button.


ooooooh k. I hadn’t used it for a while lol Now I remember! THANK YOU!!!

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This is why documentation is so important.

Write down what you do. In your own words and in as much detail as possible.

Then store it in a document you can find by giving it a meaningful name.

I have had to learn this lesson several times. It is time consuming initially especially in that euphoric moment of ‘it worked’ but it will save you time and frustration later.



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