Vacuum hose for the sweepy dust boot

Is there a special end fitting or something y’all recommend for the hose? I have a Rigid shop vac and one of my hoses “fits” the sweepy but there’s a lot of play in the dust collection area.

The one connector which has been described as fitting is:

It’s supposed to be a standard port (35mm) used for dust collection on tools — the conductive hose from my Festool CT Midi fits perfectly.

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Funny I just bought what I am considering to be the “last vacuum” I will need to buy - Feestool Mini CT.
I have a regular dust deputy, but I am lusting over the feestool compatible offering from Oneida systems.

Feestool also makes one that is “baller”

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My preference is to go with a hose to match. I don’t have a Sweepy, but I’d assume they developed it with a somewhat typical 35mm dust port. Plenty of Options. But an easy one to get is:


I drank the green Kool-Aid too — bought a Festool CT Midi and Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy while recovering from a headache inflicted by the noise which penetrated 34db ear muffs and foam ear plugs — took a while to arrive, and setup/assembly was a bit fiddly, but both were well worth it.

you have to please post a pic of your vac. p#rn setup

Looks like any other when assembled, but here’s a glamour photo (basement is too small/crowded for a decent photo):


I wonder if it is going to fit over my dust collector…
just a video where it apparently doesn’t fit on top of the MIDI or MINI.

I dont want to derail the thread, but can you please send me a picture of what the top of your vac looks like so I can compare? My guess is that if both can accept a normal systainer - why not?

Mine is a CT Midi, so it fits on that model (or at least the ones made prior to the Bluetooth module) — as noted, the bottom mimics a Systainer, so it ought to fit.


I have the BT model mini… It is still in its box. I will post a pic when I open it in a bit.
thank you

I 3d printed a slightly undersized adapter and added a few wraps of electrical tape for a nice tight seal. It’s working great so far.

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Oneida says it fits:

Does the Dust Deputy work with the new Festool CT units that have the T-Loc system to hold the systainer?
Yes! The Ultimate Dust Deputy is adaptable to all Midi and Mini Festool vacs. The new vacs do require you to rotate the systainer box 180 degrees.

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For the record, had to get a 45 degree elbow which then had to be cut off to get the 2.5" hose to fit:

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