Variable speed Spindle trouble installing bit

Hello, I just received my spindle kit and when I went to install a quarter inch bit with the quarter inch collet that came with my spindle No matter how hard I push and no matter how loose the nut is, it will not allow the bit to go in. If I install the bit Before I tried to put the nut on the end of the spindle, the nut will not start the threading and just spins in definitely. Can anyone help with this?

Did you snap the collet into the nut per the instructions?

also see:


Cheers this worked! Thanks so much for the fast response, so helpful!!

Ok so now I can’t get my collet out of the nut after I snapped it in? I am trying to go from the 1/4 to the 1/8 collet. Any advice or was there supposed to be two nuts for my spindle?
Thanks in advance for any input!

Removing the collet from the nut is “just” the reverse of inserting it, with the added requirement that one compress it so it will release — most folks just buy a second nut (or nut and collet and keep a spare collet).

Funny I was just thinking I should just buy a second one thanks for the advice again!!

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