Vcarve Family Tree

My first project I am proud of. Design was created in Vcarve Desktop and carved into 3/4 cherry.


Very cool. My 94 year old Aunt used to research our family tree before the internet at the public library. The Mormon church is very into ancestry and used to have microfilm that would travel around the country with indexes so you could research.

She did it the hard way and has thousands of records of my family back to 1639 landing in New Jersey. Luckily many of my ancestors were Preachers and Doctors so they were literate and recorded a lot. In the 1600s Preachers and Doctors were leading citizens and recorded their lives well. For my poorer relations that were not literate the paper trail is quite thin.

It is good to know where you come from. My Aunt has a civil war picture of a relative that is a dead ringer for my grandson. The acorns do not fall far from the tree.


Any chance you would be willing to share the design? Id love to make one for my Mom


Iā€™m not sure about sharing since it used a copyrighted image as the basis (which I paid $15 for). I would be happy to delete the copyrighted portion of the file and share that, but not sure how much use that would be. Also you would need vcarve desktop or better. The other issue is if the number of siblings or grandkids is different, it takes a fair amount of work to adjust the image to your particular family. The image I started with is below, but I have since found that etsy is a cheaper source of SVG files and you can likely find an equivilent image for cheaper

Image I started with: