VCarve Inlay and Rest Macining

I’m curious, can you utilize rest machining for cutting the plug for a vcarve inlay. The detail requires a 1/8" end mill, and then finishing with a vee bit. The trouble I’m faced with is that the toolpath is 460 minutes long. If I change to a 1/4" end mill and vee bit the time is cut down to 101 minutes. My real question is, can you use rest machining utilizing the 1/4", 1/8" and the vee bit. I didn’t see that option in CC Pro.

At this time that is not a feature in Carbide Create.

Moving this to the Feature Request area.

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You can offset your vectors inside a bit and then run a separate pocket operation with the 1/4" bit. Then select the inner and outer vectors for the Vcarve with the 1/8" clearing bit. The V bit will probably waste time cutting air along the inside vector which was already cleared with the 1/4" bit, but it may be faster. Worth a shot, but test that plan on some simple vectors and scrap material.

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