I’ve had a Shapeoko 3 XXL for about 3 - 4 years and have now recently been using more frequently. I am using a 60 degree bit (#302 V) that came with the XXL when I bought it and use the standard V vcarve Hardwood rates that are part of the software. I am carving on Black Walnut.
I’ve noticed that just recently, my letters are not crisp and no longer get accurate straight lines. These letters are decent sized (about 0.5" in height). Since these are not large at all. This should be a fairly easy straight line for it to carve but it is not. It used to not do this but something happened along the way. Can anybody help? Is this related to a skip that the motors are doing, do I need to replace anytihng? I’ve ordered a new bit but I don’t want this project to go to waste.
Honestly, I did not change the settings already saved in the software for the #302 bit so I would say I have not changed how deep the machine can go to cut. Where can I change that? The 3D preview looks like a crisp straight line.
When you vcarve the bit goes right down the middle of the object and goes as deep as is necessary to touch both sides of the line. If you limit the depth and the bit cannot touch both sides of the line it just goes down the middle and you get the distorted letters similar to what you show in the picture.
Another issue can be using the wrong bit. I suppose you call for a #302 in the CC app but if you put the wrong bit in you can also get this type of issue. Is it possible you are putting the wrong bit in or the bit you think is #302 is really something else? Maybe you need to measure the angle of the bit to make sure it is what you think it is.
Back to what @WillAdams was talking about when you vcarve you need to set bottom of material or the “t” which means bottom of material in V6 and V7.
Vcarve just plows down the center of the object until the bit touches both sides of the lines. However Advanced Vcarve is different. If there is space a flat end mill goes to the defined depth and then a vee bit comes around the outside of the objects. So the vee bit does not plunge down the middle but just goes around the outside of in this case your letters. When creating an advanced vcarve if the space for the flat end mill is too small only the vee bit is called for. In that case the vee bit tries to do the clearing but at the end the vee just goes around the outside of the lines. Maybe try an advanced vee cut to see if it improves your issue if it is not you limiting the depth of cut in simple vcarve.
When was the last time you went over your machine checking for loose stuff, and readjusting your vee wheels? Some of what you show looks like excessive backlash.
I’ll be honest that its been a while. I will check that as well tonight to see if there is anything out of the ordinary. What do you mean when you say excessive backlash? is that like “loose v wheels”?