I used Ventric Vcarve desktop to vcarve a pretty detailed design into a set of 4” coasters on walnut using a 1/2” diameter 60 degree v-bit. The design itself turned out pretty well and cut fairly clean, however, there is some sanding that needs to be done. I want to fill it with epoxy but doing that and sanding I am afraid I will lose detail since the depth is of cuts are not that deep.
My question is since I have already made the cuts in the wood is there a way to correct the depth issue without ruining the carve? Could I switch to a 30 degree bit and run again over the current carve or lower the z zero and run with the same bit? I ask because I don’t fully understand the tool strategy of v carving and if it would ruin the details that are there if I did that. I haven’t moved the piece at all yet or made a profile cut so it would be in the exact same spot for the next run.
yes you could generate a new vcarve toolpath based on a 30° tool but the same vectors, run that, and you should get deeper cuts / steeper walls
no you can’t just lower the Z zero and rerun the same 60° vbit toolpath, you would actually lose detail / make thicker/wider grooves by doing so
If you go for option 1), depending on your vector and stock thickness you may need to limit the max depth (but since you mention very shallow cuts, probably not)
Thanks, Julien! You always come through with the answers. Stock thickness is .5” and the depth thus far is .03” at the deepest point so I have a lot of room to work as far as depth goes.