Vfd always displays 24000

I just installed the spindle kit on my 5 pro. Seems to work ok on a quick test job but should spin the bit at 18000 rpm, but display shows 24000. I have a message into support. I’ll do more testing tomorrow. Has anyone else seen this?

How did you configure this in the Machine Setup Wizard?

Just like first install, but selected spindle instead of carbide router.

Check in with the folks at support@carbide3d.com

Well I made some progress. found an old input from Tuxedocurly with a similar problem. I used the steps he outlined below.

  1. connect to the machine with carbide motion.
  2. click on the build number at the bottom left of the screen.
  3. click on the open config.
  4. delete the shapeoko configs. (Puts you in a new install mode)
  5. close carbide motion, disconnect USB, reconnect, then relaunch carbide motion.
  6. set up the machine as normal, making sure VFD spindle is selected and bitrunner is off.

However, bitsetter is selected on my machine. Shapeoko 5 pro 4x2. Set up moves to the default position at the right front of the machine as expected.

I enabled MDI and using m3s10000, 120000, 140000, etc. verified spindle is now working as expected.

So I set up an old job that completed successfully before… Set up my zeros, and when I set up the Z position the machine went to the back right side and started going to china looking for the bitsetter I think. In build 635 it has been doing a bitsetter check after I set Z zero, so think it’s trying to do that but in the wrong location.
Now the spindle works right and I can’s set zero…

What to try next?

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Problem is fixed. I loaded latest version of CM 636, and did full setup again.