VFD issue on My PRO

Sorry to add yet another thread for a VFD issue, but I didn’t want to take over another thread. I have been looking through other threads too, but I thought I would keep my issues separate from everyone else.

Here is my summary the issue on a PRO
I have had the spindle option (Shapeoko, not a 3rd party) since late Jan 23. I’ve had the machine since 22. Generally everything has been working well. A while back the display on the VFD stopped working and showing anything useful, but it otherwise worked fine.

About 3 weeks ago I upgraded to that RPI version of Carbide Motion 635. I had some issues getting it to install, but worked through that. I have not used the machine very much, but I did run a job that worked fine a week ago.

I am not able to get the spindle to start by any method I know. I have used the MDI command, the warm up option etc.

I saw on the forum that some people said that if you press and hold the job button the spindle will turn. That does not work for me.

for the record: Yes the red light is on. Yes, the button on the side is on.

Any suggestions you have for figuring this out are welcome. Unfortunately, this is happening at a bad time. I do have my old router, so I can get that installed if I end up with no other option. I am hoping to avoid that option.

So, at risk of looking pathetic replying to my own thread, I have just seen an error code show up: ERR26

I was able to find a link for the manual and it appears to be an EEPROM module failure. It sounds pretty fatal since the recommended action is to replace the main control board. I’ll have to see if the code keeps on showing up.

That is cool. I have been in touch with support. They suggested I try disabling the bitsetter and send an command to start it via the MDI. The spindle started. I was able to start a job (minus the bitsetter). Interesting situation. I have seen that error 26 show up twice, so I think the controller’s days are numbered.

I am curious if someone knows why disabling the bitsetter would make a difference?

It could just be process of elimination. Trouble shooting 101 is make a make minimum config and build back up till problem is found.