VFD Parameters (Huanyang model)

Did anyone ever check the live current value on their Huanyang VFD ? I am finally getting to the item in my todolist called “measure K factor of various materials”, but when I set the display to show Amps (“A<xxxx.x>” on the LCD), the displayed current value does not seem to ever change much, whether I’m cutting or not. With my spindle running in the air at 18.000 RPM it shows 1.5A, and when I’m pocketing in oak at 0.125" DOC and 0.125" WOC, first at 70ipm then 200% feedrate override, it still reads exactly 1.5A…Ideas ? I checked the user manual, but was not enlightened.

I ran @gmack’s spreadsheet, and I should be seeing an increase of at least 1 amp when cutting

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