Hi @MaddTraxxRC,
- I’m a bit confused why START/knob have any effect if you set PD001 and PD002 to 1 (which should tell the VFD to operate based on the PWM input, not the Start/Knob buttons)
- Before hitting STOP, is there any scenario where you have spindle control from the Shapeoko ? (e.g. using M3/M5 GRBL commands from bCNC)
- On my VFD (Huanyang) the behavior of the VFD after STOP is pushed is controlled by the PD024 setting, and the documentation states this:
"When the control mode is set for external terminals or communication control, STOP key on the
panel can be chosen to be valid or invalid. When choosing it as valid, STOP key can stop the
inverter in running. When it needs to restart, the former running signal must be released before
restarting the inverter ."
So for the sake of testing you could try setting PD024 to 0 and see if then you can control the spindle through M3/M5. To confirm whether the problem is related to that setting, with PD024 set to 1 you could also disconnect/reconnect the PWM signal after hitting STOP, see if you can restart then.
Finally, to double-check that there is nothing wrong with your PWM wiring, with your VFD turned off you can type M3S24000 from bCNC and check with a multimeter that you see ~5V between VI and ACM
EDIT: there is also this thread about a situation similar as yours, but it turned out to be a wiring issue. You can still have a look for inspiration.