VFD Spindle Wiring Help

Happy Wednesday folks. The wires on my spindle came out, totally my fault. Could someone please tell me what colors I should match with the others? Although support is top notch, they weren’t able to help with this.

I’m sure If I connect them wrong, it will create a small scene :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

If they are the same as any other 3 phase spindle you have your ground and your 3 power wires.

The wires other than the ground don’t matter. Hook them up and see if you have proper spindle rotation direction. If you do not you should be able to switch any two of those 3 wires to reverse rotation.


Ryan is correct - Pin 4 is ground - however the other three are three pahse so the orientation will only impact the direction it spins. If it rotated in reverse you jjust swap a pole around.

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Thank you very much!

Much appreciated friend.

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