Vfd/ Spindle won't spin

Hi all, trying to find a solution for my new machine. The spindle won’t spin when prompted and the vfd light is on but nothing shows on the speed screen. Not even zero.
I contacted support 4 days ago about another issue with my gantry and still waiting for a response. I sent another email about this issue and need to get it taken care of right away because I have jobs waiting in queue. Is there another way to get ahold of support. I have also called and left a message on the 17th with no reply.
I definitely understand that they probably have their hands full, I would just really appreciate getting a reply within the time the automated email reply says or if not a quick email letting me know when to expect a reply.
I am confident that carbide will get it taken care of eventually from everything I’ve read here but really need to get this machine moving as it’s for my small business and was a very large expense.
Thanks everyone!

This may be an issue for you. Every time you send an e-mail message, i believe that previous ones will be placed in the same part of the queue, which means each time you contact, you enquiry is treated as if it is new. When you make a contact, just await the response, it will be faster for you. It is frustrating to wait but it is the apparently the best method of getting dealt with quickly.

Thanks for the info. Hopefully there is a simple fix that someone can chime in on. I’m really hoping to hear back from carbide soon. It’s hard for a small business to be out $5000 and not have a usable machine.

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There’s plenty of user forum topics on troubleshooting problems, so be sure to take the time to do a search to see if you find anything that matches your issues that could help you out.

My only other suggestion would be to get a Makita trim router from Amazon or your local hardware store as a backup spindle to get yourself up & running in the short-term. I’ve got about 3 or 4 myself between Carbide3D routers & extra Makitas. So far I’ve never had one burn out on me, but I’m not constantly running mine day-in/day-out.

Just an update for anyone reading this. I have heard back from carbide and they are doing a stand up job this far on making things right. Hopefully will be getting more info and will share tomorrow on what we find out on the vfd.

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