Vibrations on the right axis rail

When homing the belt on the right axis rail vibrates and has a slight bounce. This starts when it has moved about 20% towards the back. If I put my finger on the rail I can feel the vibration. After homing and moving forward there is no vibration. I have tightening the belt and tried losing the belt no effect. Is this something I should be concerned about

Could you post a video showing this, either here or to

Here it is, turn up the sound.


When you look at the letters on the belt you can see the vibrations

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Turn you Shapeoko off and manually move your gantry front to back slowly. If you move too fast the stepper motors create EMF and make it hard to move and it will shudder. If the carriage moves smoothly then proceed on. If the gantry does not move smoothly check your v wheels for defects and/or dirt and debris. With the carriage all the way to the front or back put your finger under the belt on both sides and see if they have about the same amount of play. If you adjust your belt tensions make sure your tension bracket is not in the way of the carriage moving all the way forward. You have to hold the bracket with pliers while tightening or the bracket will twist and be in the way of the v wheels.

Take your belt off and look at it closely for any missing teeth. While you have t he belt off take a look at your pulley. Put a mark across both the pulley and the motor shaft. This wittness mark will help in the future if your pulley is slipping on the motor shaft. With the belt off check your pulley position. One set screw should be over the flat spot on the motor shaft. Some people like to replace the tiny set screws with cap screws (socket head). The 3MM X 10MM Cap screw should work. The larger head of the cap screw is easier to tighten up. Some people like to use thread sealant. I dont recommend that but if you do be sure you use removable. Do not use permanent thread sealant.

While the belt is off also check that your stepper motor is tight in its mount. It is not likely that it is loose but check everything.

Edit: I did not know this was a pro. My comments are still true but not sure of size of set screws on pro.

That sounds like a resonance which is being excited at the step frequency of homing.

I’d be more concerned at the loud clunk and the way the belt jumps on the drive pulley just as the homing switch activates, that suggests something more substantial wrong with the stepper drive, pulley attachment to the spindle or motor.

Ok what do I do to address that?

I have taken the belt off and cleaned (no missing teeth)
also tighten the bolts on the motors

Good question.

It could be the pulley is slightly loose on the motor shaft thus allowing the vibration and the step-shock on reversing direction.

It could also be that the motor wiring has an issue, could be only one of the phases is firing and it’s being dragged up and down by the other Y motor.

I would check the motor pulley set screws first, loosen them off, then slowly tighten them back up whilst rotating the pulley back and forth to make sure you land right on the flat on the shaft.

If that’s not it then I’d release both of the belts so the machine has no Y drive and try the homing move to see if both motors rotate normally and without making bad noises.

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I have done all of the suggestions. This seems to have eliminated 75% of the vibrations but there are still vibrations. I will post a new video this evening

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I took the right motor off for an examination and it has chips on the teeth. As the machine is brand new I am hoping you can overnight me a new motor, attached are a couple of pictures

Please contact us about this at

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Can you please give me a call. I have asked 4 times now. 240 883 1651

I’ve put in a message on the team chat noting that you’d like a phone call.

Got the new Y stepper motor and belt. Installed and runs very smooth now. No vibrations no noise and pulls off nice. Thank you very much


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