Wait for Spindle on Resume from pause

I have the bitrunner setup on my my machine, and when pausing a job and killing the spindle(router) for safety (with the switch and button). Once I start the job however there is no “Hold for spindle”, while this isnt a huge problem because I can unwind it and have it ready to go. But even at 18000 RPM my spindle is a little springy and needs 2-3 seconds to settle in, the pause command doesn’t give it that, It just happily kicks right off. And because it has staged the bit right above the work piece it is often starting the cut before getting to speed.

Is there a setting or a command that I can add time to that resume pause to give my router time to ramp properly before it just runs the too slow bit into my job?

You could try adding a G04 Dwell command on it’s own line after a tool change (M6)

G04 explanation here: G Codes

Or if you get lazy/forget it, you should be able to just dial down the feedrate override to 10-20% to buy yourself some time.

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Winston, Thanks for the quick response. I think I am just going to drop that feed rate till it leads in. That will ramp me slowly into it. I feel like getting into direct Gcoding live might be a rabbit hole that will take more than I have :slight_smile:

This should be a variable in the post processor (or CM) as the difference in ramp up time from router to spindle can be significant.

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