I did my toolpath with 10.503 also and it screwed up the ramps on my profile cuts and @Julien was able to duplicate it. I have since switched back to @neilferreri 's and it works ok. So use the Vectric PP at your own risk.
I have sent my issue to Vectric support so hopefully they’ll fix it soon
Hey guys,
I stepped through a rotten board on my deck, so my day was filled with the fun of fixing that. Good luck finding pressure treated lumber out there. I had to go to three places, and ended up finding the only decent 2x8 in the city and ripping it down to fit.
Anyway, looks like it was the post processor after all. The previous versions did NOT have the “plunge” blocks. I don’t know if we should have them…I’ll do some tests. I glanced at the PPs @Julien sent earlier and it was evident that the inches version was missing the feedrate. They just use the grbl as the base for the Shapeoko version, so it would be an issue with both.
My recommendation would be to stick with the old PPs unless you have a reason not to. I’m not sure the plunge feedrate is set correctly in the new versions. You’ll also run into arc issues eventually with the new versions. #justUseMetric
@johnelle You didn’t reply to any of my previous messages, but did the old PP work? I think it should have.
… So, I assume from earlier posts the the Shapeoko (mm) post processor is the culprit? … Interestingly, this problem also plagued other software users a couple years ago until a fix was made. Reference to that problem can be found here…
It’s hitting the inch version of their post processors more since the mm version has more precision with the limits on decimals they’re using in the Post Processor.
That’s why I changed to 4 places after the decimal for mm and 6 for inches. Vectric’s use 3 and 4.
Their previous versions had arcs disabled which is why V-Carve arc errors were not a problem.
I should have read this before trying a nw project, using the dble sided feature in Vcarve 10.5. and adding the bitsetter made things even more unpredictable.
I had a bunch of problems which I wont’ elaborate on, but glad that I did my test run in MDF.
Very frustrating to have these compatibility issues.I can see that it is simulating the tool paths fine.
Just doesn’t perform on the machine.
For now I will revert back to using 10.0 until the dust settles and just doing dble sided part manually, at least the bitsetter will / should work ok, as before.
I had an issue with the VCarve Shapeoko MM post processor in VCarve Pro 10.5 and sent Vectric a trouble message. They sent me a new PP but it was the GRBL one, which worked. I don’t know if they fixed the Shapeoko MM post, but I switched to @neilferreri’s post processor anyway which works great!
[quote=“NickT, post:25, topic:24235”]
“Arc end point error”
Neil - Im getting the error as well. If you have an update PP for this 10.5 version that will work on their dble sided feature or not ( just advise if so) using a Bitsetter.
please send me a link.
Hi all,
I have been in touch with Vectric on this and they have provided me PostP to try. I haven’t tried it but wanted to put it out there in case some one has more free time then I do at the moment. I encoutered the same issue when I pactched my 10.5 release, wasn’t happy, but went back to the original 10.5 and I was able to start cutting again. See note from Vectric, and if you experience anything email their support support@vectric.com
" Charlie Pullen (Vectric Ltd.)
Jul 22, 2020, 2:14 PM GMT+1
Hello Ivan.
I have linked below the new Post Processors which return this back to the V10.0 function with the added Laser support and the Plunge corrections which was a separate issue which needed correction.
Please download these files and copy them into your My_PostP folder.
To access this folder please go to File menu - Open Application Data Folder
Once the Post Processor is in place, restart the software to load the new Post Processors.
This Post Processor will be included in a future update, but I have linked it here so you can start using it prior to the patch release.
The double sided tool path is finally working well , now that I’ve installed the newest PP for the 10.5 Vectric Vcarve Program. No more error issues.
This dble sided feature is very nice, I wished I had it year ago when I was doing my 2 sided platters. Here are a couple soap dishes i finished today.
from 3/4" ![ amber solid strand bamboo