Wasteboard flattening

Hey Guys /Gals,
So I just resurfaced my wasteboard for the third time, and was wondering about the next time,because this time it is right at the same level as the front support, I was pretty concerned about it hitting it,but it just cleared. For sure it will not the next time. So what do you guys do then? Do you do it in a 2 part process,do the back half of the board and then shift it back and do the front? I guess that seems like the only logical solution…or do a smaller pocket just to the inside and finish it manually? There is very little room for error between the board and the front support bracket.
Also why does it not cut the same all the way around the board (31 x 31) when I start from the center it clears out the front first with the bit running over the top of the support, then one or two more passes to clear the sides and the back. I zero from the center and can see it starts to the front first and then starts its square pattern.

When I have reached the level of the front plate… I change the wasteboard. Surfacing lower (one way of the other) sounds like a recipe for crashing a job into the front plate sooner or later.

I’m not sure I get your second point, is it about the toolpath? (depends on which CAD tool you used, if you use CC the order/pattern it uses is what it is)

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Hey Julien,
There is a lot of meat left on my wasteboard even though it is flush with the front plate, I think I will try to either move it and do it in 2 sections or manually finish the edges next time. It beats taking out all the inserts and messing with all that again.
And yes, that’s what I was talking about the toolpath pattern, it takes like 2 extra passes to complete the sides and back, I wonder if it would do the same thing if zero’d in the left corner instead of the middle?

Can you share the design file and associated g-code file ? If you do the surfacing with a simple pocketing toolpath in CC, it should not have any extra moves, e.g.

and there should be zero influence from the zero reference location on the toolpath generation logic

Or is it that you zeroed on the machine somewhere that is not exactly the center of your wasteboard ?
Or I’m just missing something :slight_smile:

I think I just found the reason after looking at your post, I went and looked at mine (meyer’s). The parameters are set out to the front,I did not notice that at first.! He has it set at 32 x 31 instead of 31 x 31 -mystery solved

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