Weird cuts suddenly

Looking at this motor from the x-axis, do you believe something is wrong?

I can’t remove the pulley from the shaft. Should the pulley be so low on the shaft compared to the other motor on the Y-axis?

Should the small screw be tightened on the rounded part of the shaft or the flat part of it?

I have sent a request for a callback from the support team.

If anyone has pictures of their motors and information so I can proceed with this situation, thanks in advance!

It should tightened be on the flat part.


Thank you ! So it seems like that is one of the issue I’m adressing. All of them are not on the flat part.

Do you have a picture of your X axis motor inside the machine. It seems like my shaft is too long. I would need to push the pulley way above the flat part to be able to fit it back into place.

The position of the pulley should line up with the belt, so there is no deflection. Straight line up. If you need to remove the pulley, a pulley puller or a pry while tapping the shaft will help. I would see no reason to remove unless you have to re-align pulley. And be careful if you pry and tap.


I use a pulley puller and removed it, I’m doing it on all my motor except Z. It’s really nasty and not align with the flat part of the shaft.

Every step get on my way aswell, now the belt small screw are stuck on the right Y axis … It’s so frustrating.

I am sure the pulleys oxidized while sitting on the shaft. Clean the shaft with (WD40) a few lite swipes with Fine Fine emory or Scotch Brite. They are supposed to fit tight.

I don’t see the reasoning to remove the pulleys unless they slipped.

Good Luck

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With the pulley set screws not tightened on the flats, you are probably getting pulley spin. The reason you might be having an issue removing the pulley from the shaft is when the set screw was tight and the pulley moved the tension on the belt might have caused the pulley to rotate on the shaft some. with the set screw tight against the shaft the set screw would wear a groove into the shaft. Once this happens, removal of the pulley will be much harder. So, if you can find a pulley remover that will fit the pulley, use it and only it to remove the pulley.

Then you will have to polish the shaft free of any burrs. Then put the pulley back on with the set screw aligned with the flat of the shaft. Get some low pressure locktite thread lock and put it on the set screw threads and install. Don’t put a lot of locktite on the threads, just a little bit on one side. Then set the set screw to desired tightness and let the thread lock cure. This will stop the chance of the set screw backing out just enough and allowing the pulley to rotate on the shaft again. Make sure that the pulley alignment to your belt is good before using any locktite on the threads.

The locktite thread lock with low grip lock will allow you to still remove the set screw in the future if you need to without having to put heat to the pulley to unlock the locktite. If you use the higher locking thread lock, it will be frozen on and require heat to break it free, which would cause you to transfer heat down the shaft and into the motor itself where the inside of the motor could burn up and stop working completely.

If the shaft of your motor seems to be a bit too long and is hitting any housing and the pulley lines up plenty enough on the shaft, then when you reinstall the motor put washers between the motor and the mounting plate to move the motor out further, thus pulling the pulley back away from the housing where it may be hitting.

I had a pulley on a different machine have the set screw back out from vibration and spin on the motor shaft. The pulley was a pain in the butt to remove. The shaft was scarred from the set screw, but after a good sanding and polishing the shaft was cleared of all raised burrs. I had to put thread locker on the the set screw, file down the flat on the shaft some to make a better flat and lock the pulley in place and wait for the thread lock to cure. Once this was achieved, the pulley never gave me a problem again.

Hopefully this might help.

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