Well I killed my spindle and vfd today. How can I test the pwm output on the carbide board?

Well dealing with the Chinese is not my favorite thing. After 3 days of sending them messages with no reply I filed a dispute. 10 minutes later I started getting responses.

The language gap and the attitude make things difficult. They are purely defense with no true want to resolve the issue.

They say the spindle is ok and that the vfd is bad. They say I have voltage on the spindle case because it is back feeding through the ground. It kind of makes a little since. They say the vfd has had a capacitor failure and that I need to replace the capacitor, they can’t tell me where it is, what the specs are and have not replied to my requested to have the vfd replaced.

The dispute was responded to by alinexpress. They are have a couple options. In order to receive a fill refund including my shipping costs ($160 in shipping) I would have to ship it back to them on my dime. To get a total of $380 back. So I after shipping I would get $220 back. Or option b is I keep everything and get $180 back.

Think I’m going to go with option b. I can get an identical vfd on amazon for $130 plus a 4 year warranty for $30. And I still have the spindle which according to them is still good.

I’ll see if they rely tomorrow.