Had a crash where only the one Y carriage hit a clamp. Why is this nut sticking out now? I’m going to try and use a C-clamp to push it back to where I expect. I expected the bearing on the other side to be displaced but it looks normal. Perhaps the v-wheel is closer to the plate than it should be but that is not apparent. This is a new one on me.
My inclination would be to disassemble things and check and see if the plate is distorted.
I wouldn’t try to push it around with a clamp.
It looks like the bolt has vibrated loose as the machine has operated, not sure it’s anything to do with the crash.
If you disassemble the V wheel bear in mind that there are some precision shims (look like washers) between the V wheel bearing and the plate, put everything back in the correct order.
I might try tightening the bolt (gently) first to see if that pulls the eccentric back into the plate, if not, take the bolt and V Wheel off and then try to move the eccentric.
It needed a good push back in the right direction. Had to take the wheels off to get at it. Thanks for the tip about the shim, almost lost it!
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