Yet another frustrating day. I admit that I am not savvy in the ways of carbide create as I should be after 10 months. Just when I figure something out another project tests me.
I made a special forces logo in mdf which came out great. I then went to the wood and it was a disaster. The bit dragged across the entire design and it didn’t cut the dagger handle. I surfaced the board, and I’m trying to re-cut it but still can’t get it to carve the dagger handle or the letters they way they did on the mdf. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I’m pretty sure you all are going to ban me soon.
Nous Defions.c2d (356.1 KB)
You seem to have either reduced the size of the design, or increased the size of the tool used:
and the 3D preview of the cut matches what was cut:
You need to use a tool, or a technique suited to the current size of the design — an Advanced V carving should work well:
If the project is still clamped and you haven’t altered the original, you should be able to just create the new file and re-run it.
Thank you you are always helpful
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