What should I use for padding under a Shapeoko 5 Pro?

Hi all!

My company is giving me a Shapeoko 5 Pro with trimmings for work, and so I’ve been researching table and enclosure designs.
I’m currently going for a basic but sturdy table with a torsion box top, 72" square.
Given noise concerns and the affect of the tropical climate (= wild humidity variations) here on table flatness, I definitely want to put some padding between the machine and table for sound damping and to take up any variations in flatness.

My understanding is rubber or hard foam works best.
I’ve seen many simply use “puzzle”/anti-fatigue mats. Some use/recommend neoprene sheets. And then there’s the other options like rubber flooring, etc.
Puzzle mats (1/2") from Home Depot would be $50. A sheet of 1/4" 60A neoprene would be $193! :see_no_evil: The company is paying for everything, but obviously I still want to be sensible.

Given the weight of the 5 Pro, are the puzzle mats okay? Or will they squash too much to do any good? If they’re not okay, what are some other good options?


You will need at least two packs but they are 10 bucks and you can often find them on sale.

They work great. While the machine is heavy it is not that heavy and the weight is spread out. I would recommend building a full enclosure if you are worried about sound though.


Thanks, I’ll just go with mats then.

An enclosure is definitely on the list of upgrades I want to do.
I have rough designs already… :grin:

I haven’t received the machine yet – I’m in Jamaica and international shipping is exorbitant and this time of year – but we hope to get it here in January.
When it’s all up and running I might post some pics of the setup…
Expect more questions from me :laughing:

I would recommend designing your table around the idea of turning it into an Enclosure in the future then. Make sure that with walls attached that there is enough room to access the sides of the machine.

Yup, I’ve been planning the table around being able to add an enclosure.

Kind of off topic, but…

Working on about 4.5" of clearance around the machine.
Based on a 72" x 72" table (6" clearance around machine to table edges) and enclosure walls 1.5" thick (double-walled 1/2" with 1/2" gap).

I hope to make the entire enclosure able to be lifted off the table for major maintenance or whatever needs more access.