I am surprised that the Sweepy does not come with it but that seems to be separate on a Shapeoko 4. If you want 1-4 in your list you will have to buy them. You will also need a router. I would suggest the Makita. You will need a few more bits but I would start with the following:
Start with these and buy bits as you need them. The bundles seem like a good deal but if you dont use all the bits then the price is not that good.
You will need clamps but since you are buying the essential work holding make your own clamps. I perfer cam clams but they do not work on the t-track. Some people drill the MDF and add Tee nuts so they can use cam clamps as well as t-track type clamps.
To confirm, the T-track does not come with the Shapeoko 4? That’s the main part for me, because I live in Singapore and the T-tracks, while they cost $175, it adds an additional $300 for shipping.
It’s befuddling that they listed the “upgrades” from the Shapeoko 3, but don’t include them in the Shapeoko 4. Completely dumbfounded.
Those listed “upgrades” are built-in improvements from the S3, not paid accessories. The Hybrid table = t-slots and MDF slats, so you don’t need to buy the separate T track upgrade.