Possible causes:
- something mechanically blocking the machine
- mechanical problem:
- pulley set screw: Checking Pulley Set Screws - Carbide 3D
- (for the SO3/4) V wheels / eccentric nuts: Tightening Eccentric Nuts - Carbide 3D
- (for the Pro) Lubrication of the linear rails: https://docs.carbide3d.com/assembly/linear-guide-maintenance/Linear_Rail_and_Guide_Maintenance_02-17-2021_v1.0.pdf
- Belt tension (see the relevant step in your instruction manual, e.g., Step 5 Belting - Carbide 3D) Note that the X-axis motor is held in place on standoffs and if those bolts are loose this can cause belt tension issues. Also, belt tension for the Y-axis stepper motors needs to be even/equivalent on each side — a significant difference can cause skipping on one side eventually resulting in lost steps on both. Measuring belt tension, squaring and calibration
- problem with the toolpaths or feeds and speeds — these need to be set up as to be appropriate to the tooling and material — avoid slotting (cutting a slot as narrow as the endmill) where possible
If you continue to have difficulty, post your file and step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to it and managing all tool changes and a photo showing an attempt at cutting still on the machine, either here, or to support@carbide3d.com