Whiteside Bits Feeds and Speeds

I am very new to this and just bought a Whiteside RD1600 1/8 down cut spiral bit and a Whiteside 1404 Round Nose Core Box Bit.

The only settings I have found for the down cut bit speed show a Feed Rate of : 87 inch/min and a Plunge Rate: of 87 inch/min…

That seems extremely fast to me.

I would appreciate any suggestions as to what setting to start with for both bits

Whiteside makes premium tools and can indeed run at those speeds assuming that your machine can handle it. I think that they rate the tools for large commercial type CNC machines that are far more rigid than the average hobby machines. That said, it depends on your depth of cut, the substrate that you are cutting, etc. etc. Go ahead and run it at half that speed and you can speed it up in carbide motion. The key is to make chips, not sawdust. By expirimenting, you will determine your feeds, speeds, and plunge rates visually and by the sound of the machine.


For a little bit on this see:

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