Hi this “issue” has been bugging me consistently since I started to pay attention to it. Sometimes on a job I’ll set multiple stepdown depths (in Fusion 360) at say -1.25mm each stepdown.
Then I’ll set zero in CM and start the job. Then while watching the job in CM i’ll notice the Z height equals -.75mm on the first pass then on the next pass it’ll be -2.00mm (2-1.25mm = .75mm).
So my question is why is the first pass .75mm and not -1.25mm?
Unfortunately, I cannot typically surface the materials I work with, so outside of my fixtures, it is an unused operation. But surfacing has the same option. I think of step down setting as being a max allowable, this can be augmented by specifying the number of stepdowns, and the even stepdown option. I use these on materials that do now allow post processing, like HDPE, to disguise my machines resolution and rigidity.