Wind Catcher or Spiral Moving Art

Hi All…

I’ve spent hours on Thingiverse, Printables and Cults 3D trying to find a FREE (sorry, work at a small public library) wind catcher or moving art wen could 3D print and hang in outside garden but I haven’t had much luck. Perhaps, there are other free 3D print sites you would please suggest?

Maybe like this

Thank you!


Good for you! I wish our library had a budget for it. Best of luck with a fun creation.

The theory behind these wind driven pieces is you are creating an air foil. The wind catches the “wing” and moves it around. You need a good bearing at the top to keep from just winding up the string. A simple washer and loop is needed to isolate the sculpture and the hanger.

I don’t understand, You claimed you couldn’t find a free version on Thingiverse, and I posted what I found there. I did not create that model, nor do I plan to print it out.


Steve… My apologies. I’ve been multitasking to the max. Good find. Thank you!

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