Wireless Connection Windows 10

I know this is a Shapeoko forum but just wanted to ask if anyone else is having this problem. I run Windows 10 to get onto the internet and on this forum. Several Windows updates ago my wireless connection is set to automatically connect but I have to manually connect to my wireless network. The last update or two it has improved but I still have to manually connect to wireless network about 50% of the time. My Windows 10 is fully updated.

Just wondered if any other Windows 10 users have to manually connect to wireless router to get on forum. I am considering wiping my system and reloading windows 10 but that is a big hassle.

Anyone running Windows 11 with CC and CM?

Any thoughts.

Try This. No guarantees but it wont hurt try

Forget your WiFi network and then reconnect to it

If a simple glitch or bug is causing your computer to not connect to a saved WiFi network automatically, the following is bound to work for you:

Click on the WiFi icon in the taskbar.

Click on Network Settings

Under the Wireless Network Connection section, choose Manage Wi-Fi Settings. Then from under Manage Known Networks, Click the name of your wireless network and choose Forget.

Restart your computer. Click on the WiFi icon in the taskbar and click on your WiFi network from the list of available networks.

Make sure that you check the Connect automatically. Click on Connect .

Enter the security code for the network. Once your computer connects to the network, its memory should be refreshed and it should connect to the network automatically even after shutdowns and restarts.

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Also look under Device Manager > Network Adapters >
Find your wireless adapter and Right Click and Click on Properties
Go to the Power Management Tab and make sure that the box for
“Allow the Computer to turn off this device to save power” is UNCHECKED

If none of that works look at the link below for other things you can look at:

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Thanks for the; info.

Let me know if you get it fixed

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