Does anyone know why my current inlay sits significantly higher in the pocket compared to my previous projects? I’ve been using a start depth of .0 and max depth .20 for the pocket and .05 start/ .20 max for the plug. For some reason this project the plug barley fits inside the pocket.
When you cut at an angle on a scrollsaw you can inset the piece or make it proud depending on the angle. This is because of the kerf. You are making the inset slightly smaller than the pocket. The same is true for inlays except you cannot vary the angle but you can increase the depth of the pocket or the plug. Since the angle of the outside wall is the same in theory making both the same size would make a perfect fitting joint. In theory but not in practice. You do not want the inlay to bottom out in the pocket because excess glue needs a place to go.
So you want the plug slightly smaller in size but deeper than the pocket. Deeper so you can trim away the part that is proud of the surface. You can use the size tool and make several test pieces at 1-5 percent reduction in size and see which one fits best without bottoming out in the pocket. Place plug in hole and mark at surface with a pencil. Then measure depth so plug does not bottom out.
So you’re saying to experiment with a bunch of test pieces before each project? That seems a bit excessive
Well what you are doing isnt working. You need to figure out the formula. There are no cookie cutter solutions. Once you figure out the formula you can use it over and over. It is the nature of the beast.
I know and thought I got the formula because I used the same one on a bunch of boards and it worked great. Now all the sudden it’s not, that’s why I’m confused.
Some projects are just snake bit. Is it possible some mechanical issue has popped up?
I was cutting out some parts I drew up as poly lines. I had 5 pieces and on one I did not join the poly lines and the part came out smaller than it should have. Maybe check for an open vector.
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