Here are a couple looks at the table I use for my XXL. I made a full torsion box for the upper level with
3/4" x 4’ x 6’ MDF. The two lower levels are simple 2 x 4 frames with 2 x 4 cross members for support with a sheet of 1/4" Luan on both top and bottom surfaces.
Because of the design there is no choice of space between levels. However, the three levels do make the table extremely sturdy.
My table measures 4’ x 6’ which gives me plenty of room for the XXL and my computer. I buy my Baltic Birch plywood at a local lumber supply company and it comes in 48" x 60" sheets which fit comfortably on the lower shelves. The great thing about this kit is that you can make the table any size you like!
I am completely satisfied with mine.
The product is the Hopkins Mfg Corp Workbench Kit 90158MI
The kit can be purchased with or without stackable upper shelves. A link for the structure kit is:
The finished table is an exceptionally strong and sturdy structure. The heavy molded corner pieces have pre-punched angled holes for easy driving of screws of your choice.
Hope this helps others… Just my two cents worth…