Work table for shapeoko xxl

Got an xxl coming and wondering how rigid the table needs to be for it? Any ideas. Would 2x4 L shaped ganged legs with 2 thicknesses of baltic birch on top be rigid enough?? Also there is a metal leg like this one at lowes work with wider, longer plywood on top? There would be some overhand with this one.
lowes table

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The sturdier the better (up to a point) — I have my XL on a sturdy folding table and it’s fine.

The community has some notes on dimensions at:

Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn’t work up a cardboard mockup of the machine for folks to use to plan out where they’ll put it, what sort of table they’ll use, and whether or no they’ll make an enclosure.


With all the different parts that move, I usually get a little worried about how rigid a table for something like this should be . I would like to go simpler if possible. Only problem is the xxl kind of makes it harder to use a standard table like they sell at costco. Wonder If I could use 2 of those shorter folding tables together and mount the xxl on couple sheets of baltic birch plywood.

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My table is 48x48, plus trim. That makes it about 3 inches wider and 6 inches deeper than the footprint of the rails. That being said, depending on your location in the shop (mine is in a corner) I wouldn’t go much smaller than that. The walls are behind my machine and to the right, and the control box actually sticks out beyond the left side of the table. I put an outlet on the right side wall in the middle and there’s just enough room for the cable to move. I recommend NOT putting it in a corner, particularly during assembly, it’s difficult to do properly without access to at least three sides.

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Does anyone have plans for a good table (diy)? I’d like to build my own. It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out, but plans would speed it up.

That’s pretty much what I did — folding table w/ a sheet of Baltic Birch plywood on it, and the machine on that on a yoga mat (need to find time to drill some holes for the PEM nuts and get a second sheet of plywood and some boards to make a torsion box.

If you want to see what it takes to create a torsion box table, you can review this video.

How to Build A Torsion Box Assembly Table Top (Part 1 of 2)

My enclosure hasn’t started yet, but I’ll be following my concept plans loosely.

Enclosure 3 XXL Size: 4’ x 4’ x 7’ maximum

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Here are a couple looks at the table I use for my XXL. I made a full torsion box for the upper level with
3/4" x 4’ x 6’ MDF. The two lower levels are simple 2 x 4 frames with 2 x 4 cross members for support with a sheet of 1/4" Luan on both top and bottom surfaces.

Because of the design there is no choice of space between levels. However, the three levels do make the table extremely sturdy.

My table measures 4’ x 6’ which gives me plenty of room for the XXL and my computer. I buy my Baltic Birch plywood at a local lumber supply company and it comes in 48" x 60" sheets which fit comfortably on the lower shelves. The great thing about this kit is that you can make the table any size you like!

I am completely satisfied with mine.

The product is the Hopkins Mfg Corp Workbench Kit 90158MI

The kit can be purchased with or without stackable upper shelves. A link for the structure kit is:

The finished table is an exceptionally strong and sturdy structure. The heavy molded corner pieces have pre-punched angled holes for easy driving of screws of your choice.

Hope this helps others… Just my two cents worth…


Thanks Bill. That is exactly what I was looking for.

Hey Roger,

I think you’re going to like it.

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Like the looks of the plastic corner one and I am going to hold my breath and do an mdf torsion box top. Just hate the way the mdf dust gets everywhere even with a cyclone dust collector.

Here’s mine:

Pretty simple 4x4 legs, plywood top, and 2x4 around the top. Strong but will probably put a crossbeam/storage under it at some point.



Everybody’s areas are so dust free. Makes me jealous!

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I am trying to build a dead flat tortion box this week with 3/4 mdf and 1/2 skins. Shapeoko xxl coming in about 5 days.
Hope to be able to use my laptop, but will not be able to leave it connected all the time.

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